▶ - https://www.jexbar.com/ipm 半步泥潭,一步深渊; 坐地日行,亿万光年。 2021.03.08
沉静的外表。火热的内心。 神秘而又清醒。踏实而又新鲜。 ISTP。那样令我着迷。 朦胧得恰好。放飞自由想象。 相同的深刻。相对的视角。 相似的体验。相生的两极。 我压抑的逻辑。你完善。Ti 我挣扎的现实。你填补。Se 当我面对镜子。探寻真实的自己。 才发现。...
▶ - https://www.jexbar.com/ipm If you love me, love me entirely.. Love me faithfully, for what I can be All my miseries, and all my...
▶ - https://www.jexbar.com/ipm It’s a weird time, The world always says. I get it, But not the way you might. I had three friends, They...
Look up, so you can see the stars, the dream is shiny and the way is long; Look down, so you can feel the pain, the gravity is heavy and...